Staying Strong Throughout Your Personal Injury Lawsuit

What Evidence You Need To Make A Solid Personal Injury Case

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If you have been injured due to the negligent or malicious actions of someone else, then you have legal recourse to file a personal injury case. However, since the law is written to protect the innocent from unfounded suits, the burden of proving the misdeeds of the person who injured you rests solely on your shoulders. The key to building a strong case is gathering the right evidence.  Photographs Photographs serve two important functions in making your case. Read More»

4 Tips For Handling A Deposition In A Trucking Accident Case

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After filing a lawsuit against a trucking company for an accident in which you were involved, you most likely will have to face a deposition. What you say during the deposition could have an impact on how well you fare in court. If you have a deposition scheduled, here are some tips to remember.  Re-Read Your Statements You need to review every statement that you have given to the insurance company, police, medical care providers, and others before the deposition. Read More»

Answering Three Basic Workers' Compensation Questions

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When a person suffers extensive injuries as a result of a workplace accident, it is possible to accumulate large medical debts. To help protect workers from the financial consequences of these incidents, most businesses are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. However, if you are needing to file this type of insurance claim, you may benefit from having a few workers’ compensation questions answered. What Could Cause Your Workers’ Compensation Claim To Be Rejected? Read More»

Driving For Your Protection: Motorcycle Safety Tips To Avoid An Accident

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When you are riding a motorcycle, there are a number of precautions you can take to protect your safety. When you follow the rules of the road, any accident that occurs is more likely to be the fault of another driver. As you enjoy riding your motorcycle during the warm weather months, take heed and practice these safe driving tips.   Check Your Lanes While riding a motorcycle, you have a blind spot, just like when you are driving a car. Read More»

How Much Child Supervision Is Necessary On The Playground?

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If your child was injured on the playground, the issue of supervision is likely to crop up when you are pursuing compensation for your child’s injury. This is because children are supposed to be closely supervised on the playground, and adequate supervision should prevent the majority of playground injuries. Here are some of the factors that determine the level of supervision necessary to keep kids safe on a playground: Age of the Child Read More»